Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tibet: Ga-Den Tangka, Type F, ND (ca. 1912-22), Y#F13.4

Info at

Mass=4.1 g

Obverse: Center: Stylized Lotus; Around: brka-shis rtags-brgyad (the eight auspecious symbols in eight radiating petals; see note below).

Reverse: Center: Eight-petalled wheel (flower) within a star; Around: Tibetan inscription (broken into eight oval frames; starting from top, moving clockwise) dga'-ldan pho-bran-phyod-las-rnam-rgyal (The Palace of Ga-den is victorious in all directions) (Note: The Ga-Den Palace was the former residence of the Dalai Lamas, located in Drepung Monastery near Lhasa.)

The eight auspecious symbols
The eight symbols depicted on the coin are:
1. White Parasol/Umbrella of sovereignty
2. Two golden fish of good fortune
3. Treasure vase/Amphora of ambrosia
4. Lotus
5. Right-spiraling White conch shell
6. Endless knot/Emblem of endless birth
7. Banner of victory
8. Golden Wheel/Wheel of Dharma

For details of their significance, see The Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist symbols By Robert Beer

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